Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Old Shed

As we were cleaning out the old shed Dad asked Hannah & I if we wanted to light a fire to get rid of the rubbish. We said yes & got to work lighting the fire. First we went to the hay barn to get some hay to light the fire. When we had the hay we took it to the place where we were going to light it. We put the hay down & lit the match & put it to the hay & we had a big burst of flame. We started to put wood on the fire & it got bigger & bigger. We kept cleaning out the shed & putting hay on the fire until it got that hot that when we put small pieces of wood on it they would disappear into the flame. It took us a day to clean the shed right out. The next day we put all the rails up & divided it up into two loose box stables. (The two bottem pics are of Mihi in her new covers.)